Here, there, everywhere. We have to call it something, don't we? Who's got an idea? Let's call it Toponymy.


post for the heck of it

Keep an eye out for him: Hopkin Green Frog.

I spent way too much time reading this: Exit Mundi - ways the world could end. The astrological ones are insane. [note peak oil is mentioned]

Go ahead, try to read it "front to back" : Implementation, it's a novel written in stickers placed all around the US and Western Europe.

SimCity article with some honest analysis of the game, its evolution, its reflection on planning, and GIS.

"Cities are crucial to the U.S. economy. In 2002 metro economies were responsible for 85.6 percent of gross domestic product, almost $9.1 trillion in goods and services."
Why can't exurban/suburban America take off their eyemasks and realize this: Our cities are the cores of our nation. Revenue generated from all urban areas in the US goes to subsidize all rural areas. Period. Why don't we treat our cities better?

Do we let the military plan our towns? - Fire that one off at your next ZBA meeting. Use this as ammo. [Okay, the first part was a little over dramatic.]

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