Here, there, everywhere. We have to call it something, don't we? Who's got an idea? Let's call it Toponymy.


Gmail Swap + Transport Technology

I've been trolling Gmail Swap [link] for two days now. I haven't made any swaps [but I do have a few invites]. Anyway, I'll give them away to anybody who is interested. Just post a comment with an e-mail and I'll get back to you.

More from Saturn [link] moons' gravity carves out rings. "'It almost looks like straw. I don't know what this is. I literally don't have a clue,' says Porco, who is an expert on Saturn's rings. 'It may be brand new, something nobody's predicted before. There may be processes going on that make the particles clump.'" New stuff found.

This is why I read Davezilla [link].

Russian, CIS and Baltic Railway Map [link]. This is one of the most complex transportation systems [in terms of links and nodes] that I have ever seen. The Map Room [link].

I already mentioned the LasVegas Monorail. This has Monorail in the title but is really something entirely different [link]. "The system that he began dreaming up while working on his graduate degree at the University of California-Berkeley would send riders scooting over the elevated track in 300 small, three-passenger monorail cars at 30 mph. The driverless electric cars would avoid delays by passing by intermediate stations, not stopping until they reached their destination, Raney said." This was proposed for silicon valley" Interesting, yes. Feasable, well, uh ... we'll see. Planetizen [link].

On the other hand. The first known self propelled vehicle design [link]. It's a daVinci design that was [probably] never built. Gizmodo [link].

The perils of air travel [link].

Traffic simulator predicts jams one hour in advance [link]. Of course, it's from the autobahn. "As the model runs, it moves vehicles according to rules that embody realistic rates of acceleration and deceleration. No infinite decelerations are allowed, for instance. The result is a software model that combines realistic driver behaviour with realistic physics."

Risky Buildings. Cool preservation site [link].

Sharapova wins Wimbledon [link].

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