Here, there, everywhere. We have to call it something, don't we? Who's got an idea? Let's call it Toponymy.


Over the Archive Hurdle

I found the work-around I needed to get my archives to publish correctly. The "History" panel on your left should display months instead of weeks. There were two problems with the old method: a 31 character limit on filenames in AFS space and a "forbidden" message when I tried to store the archive HTMLs in a folder. The filenames as Blogger creates them are the date and then a specified name (2003_12_03_toponymy_archive.html, for example). With "toponymy" this is 32 characters. I was over by one letter.

That said, blogger has changed everything about its interface and added some great features. I'm looking into another template change. But not right now. I just lit the coals, now I have to tend to the fire.