Here, there, everywhere. We have to call it something, don't we? Who's got an idea? Let's call it Toponymy.


The Longest Day

Tonight I have the Symposium. I have been awake since 7:45 and will be busy until nearly 10:00 tonight. Luckily I have some free time here in the middle of the day. I had the strangest dream this morning.

Welcome to Cold Front University. It's a cold morning indeed here at our annual game against our in-state rival. The players have taken the field and they look pumped up and excited about this game. [Some time passes during the football game.] And they've done it! CFU has won! Now for the time-honored tradition you have all been waiting for, the launching of the Cold Front University Weatherballoon. Yes, I know that alumni, students and families around the world see the launching of the weatherballoon as a symbol of greatness. It nearly brings me to tears. And it's off. [Break to me sitting somewhere on the campus of Cold Front University next to a weasely looking kid.] "Hey, Astoria Pearson." he said. "That's not my name. If you do that one more time I'm going to beat the piss out of you! Understand punk!" I said.

I heard a great idea this morning: dream log. Where I write down my dreams. I just need a better technique for remembering them. The person who suggested the dream log also suggested not moving when I wake up to remember them better. I'll keep everybody updated.

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