Here, there, everywhere. We have to call it something, don't we? Who's got an idea? Let's call it Toponymy.


For whatever reason Mondays have been particularity good to me this semester. People bitch about how they don't get enough sleep before their Monday classes, how they're habitually unprepared for their Monday classes, how they have managed to forget something critical and blame it on Monday. Well I'm bucking the trend. I have found Mondays not only to be energetic and rewarding, I can also capture a lot of creativity on Mondays. Let's hope that this Monday is no different and that perhaps I can hold this energy throughout the week.

Now, beyond that: I found these ancestry maps of Minnesota and the US [by county] to be particularly interesting. Notice where the Dutch have settled. Interesting.

Tony, looks like one fewer modification you can add to the 'Lude. The traffic light switcher is about to become illegal.

I saw Matrix Revolutions. Better than the last one. Not comparable to the first one. Somebody should give the W. brothers a kick in the pants for being so serious. Come on guys, get over yourselves.

"There are two types of people in this crazy old world: staplers, and staple-removers." More insight over at Fireland.

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