Here, there, everywhere. We have to call it something, don't we? Who's got an idea? Let's call it Toponymy.


A Synthetic Sea Suit Passing through the Haar

Haar is a cold sea fog on the East coast of Britain. I finished the paper for my English class. It is 25% of my grade and five pages long. Therefore each page is 5% of my total grade. I am always amazed by my powers of division. The paper is about The Moon and Sixpence. I wouldn't mind the book if something happened. Like action. Or an event, maybe even, I don't know... ANYTHING! The book is loosely based on the life of Gaugin, a French painter who used Japenese and Chinese elements in his paintings. Not terribly interesting. However, it looks really cool when you superimpose the history of colonialism in reverse overtop of his life. I know it's a stretch, but it's my stretch.

Why build the whole plane when you can get one amazing flight simulator. Did I mention this simulator comes with a 737 cockpit? [NYTimes, login required]

I'll probably be making more audio posts. I'll let you know.

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