Here, there, everywhere. We have to call it something, don't we? Who's got an idea? Let's call it Toponymy.


Why Change?

Why have I abandoned Helmers83? What will become of that website? What is Blogger? These questions are important.

Helmers83 was good. The election 2028 special report was amazing. Several other articles were spectacular. But, maintenance on that website was awful. I wrote all the source code myself, I wrote the entire CSS script, I handmade all the archive pages. Nothing was php, java, perl, flash, etc. Everything was in HTML and CSS. I learned how Blogger (see below) works. I learned that I was doing a lot more work than I needed to.

Helmers83 will be dramatically changed. The only new content added to it will be pictures and other large files. All of the articles will be archived. Helmers83 will last only until I find another place to host the archived files and pictures.

Blogger is a free way to make a personal weblog. A weblog is an online journal. This is so close to what I had with Helmers83 that it was pointless to work harder for the same output.

Good, we've got that out of the way.

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