Here, there, everywhere. We have to call it something, don't we? Who's got an idea? Let's call it Toponymy.


A Tower of Artificial Light

Tonight has been strange. After work all I accomplished was my paper for UP 400. Yes, it was only one page. Yes, it was about the Big Dig. The past six hours have dragged out. I am increasingly frustrated with my job at the Library. It is terribly boring. One student employee confessed that she still [after 7 months] has no idea what is going on. It is such a contrast to my other job. At Human Ecology I get to meet new people, relax occasional, talk with people about design and the happenings in the department. So, I decided if, by the end of the week I cannot stand the Library job then I will try to do freelance writing. Why? Well, writing is where I feel confident. I will not be belittled by bureaucracy any more. [A Man Is Not A Piece of Fruit! #5]

So, if you know anyone who will pay for writing, please drop me a line.

I know it's nerdy but this tour of the Fabulous Ruins of Detroit link came from my planning professor. Take the tour, it's worth your time. [Trust me, I know how much your time is worth.] It doesn't matter if you are clueless or not, you must read about cluelessness.

A small FHC reunion is coming together for October 3. Should be a great time.

A kid on my hall retold the story of a prank call. He and a friend called Jenny Craig [or some such weight-loss company] and began their sad, sad story. It starts with the tragic death of the caller's best friend to obesity. As a response to the unexpected death the caller begins to eat and eat. So now she has a weight problem. Then the caller breaks down and cries. She wants help. She wants to lose weight. Well, turns out these guys were convincing; the receptionist starts to cry, she sobs her eyes out. After hearing it I start to laugh.

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